Elinor Stutz : Our worst experiences are our gifts in disguise!

Elinor Stutz built her career in three phases to realize that ‘Our worst experiences are our gifts in disguise!’ As a pioneer saleswoman, the discrimination in the sales offices was almost unbearable, but her joy was sharing stories with her prospective clientele, including laughter. As the relationships built, so did her book of business, becoming the top producer by the fourth month of sales without training permitted. Why? It was presumed she was a stupid female who would fail, making it an unworthy expense.

Stutz’s quota tripled each year, and her accounts were given to the men, making it necessary to find a new job. After eleven years requiring eleven different companies, Stutz became an expert at selling herself on interviews.

On the one day she took time off for herself, Stutz was stopped at a red light. Suddenly, someone, not paying attention, slammed into the rear of her car at about 60 mph. She claims she felt her brain swirling inside of her head. She was in pain for ten years, but no doctor could help. Thankfully, she claims, as a passenger, the car skidded into a lamppost requiring an ambulance.

Near-Death Improves Her Life

Stutz shares a highly inspiring inspiration experience of near death. Two visions came to her while awaiting admission to the hospital. The first indicated she was to become a speaker, to which she enthusiastically responded, yes! But the second was embarrassing; upon showing high life marks, but community service column was blank. Instantly, she promised to begin giving back to communities in any way she could. But as the sales professional added, ‘To give my best, I need to be able to walk out of the hospital on my own.’

She claims that sales skills, mainly listening, saved her life. Being heavily medicated, she had 90 seconds to meet with the surgeon. Hearing his words, ‘Mrs. Stutz, most likely, you will be paralyzed; she realized he didn’t expect her to survive. Given the visions and the miracles the previous night taking place, she responded, ‘Doctor, when I wake up, I fully expect to be well!’ After surgery, the entire staff on duty referred to her as ‘the walking miracle.

Humiliation Leads to Success: ‘Passion, Purpose, and Perseverance

Her entrepreneurial plan in ICU embraces giving to communities. Initially, she was a sales trainer and coach in her hometown but soon moved. Upon introducing herself at a significant networking event, she was laughed off the stage upon sharing her work. The men didn’t believe her, and the women viewed her as highly manipulative. Thankfully, someone advised her to write a book.

Stutz’s first book, Nice Girls DO Get the Sale: Relationship Building That Gets Results broke many records. The first publishing house, Sourcebooks, said Yes! It appeared in TIME Magazine, quickly became an International Best-Seller, and is now Evergreen – among the classics. Her community service work began by helping job seekers. The result transformed into her second book, HIRED! How to Use Sales Techniques to Sell Yourself On Interviews.

‘Never give up but find a better way.’

Discrimination was always a part of the equation for Stutz. She was an early adapter for social media to become known as a top influencer. Upon moving cross country, discrimination against older women was rampant, so Stutz became a blogger. The Smooth Sale Blog picked up popularity as her goal was to empower younger readers by allowing guest contributors to share their varying business insights and experiences to help others advance more easily. She is now partnering with respected companies. Stutz contributes to the social media committee for Inclusion Allies Coalition devoted to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Elinor Stutz, over time, realizes that roadblocks exist for us to find a better way to achieve our goals. Giving up accomplishes nothing, but the best is yet to come when we continue the pursuit on our terms. She views her near-death experience as transforming her into a better person and takes pride in her ability to help others. Accordingly, her motto is, ‘Believe, Become, Empower.’ The meaning behind it is,

  1. Believe in yourself and your ability.
  2. Become the person you originally envisioned.
  3. Empower others to take similar strides.

Stutz’s closing words are that we only have one life to live, and it is our duty to live it our way while assisting others the best we may

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