Desha Jackson: A Visionary Trailblazer from the Start

In the tender years of childhood, when minds are like sponges soaking up impressions, Desha Jackson embarked on a unique journey that would shape her destiny. While most eight-year-olds were immersed in cartoons, Jackson was drawn to the world of law, fueled by a desire to make a meaningful impact. Her early affinity for law hinted at the grandeur awaiting her future.


Immersing herself in legal dramas like Perry Mason, Matlock, and LA Law during her formative years, Jackson perceived law as a multifaceted career where one could navigate various fields, whether solo, governmental, or within a private firm. Reflecting on her choice, she notes, “I liked the versatility and the ability to help people.”


Fast forward to today, and Desha Jackson stands as the managing force behind the Desha Jackson Law Group. Her journey began as a law clerk in 1996, evolving through internships in different legal spheres during college. Notably, she carved her place in history as the first African-American female Assistant Prosecutor in the 150-year history of the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office in 1997.


Before establishing her firm, Jackson contributed her legal prowess to the Law Office of Evelyn Padin and the esteemed Wilentz, Goldman, and Spitzer. Her diverse experiences also include serving as the Assistant Director of the Equal Employment Division at the New Jersey Department of Corrections, demonstrating her commitment to addressing discrimination and promoting equality.


A Beacon of Change and Empowerment


Beyond her legal pursuits, Desha Jackson is the embodiment of philanthropy and empowerment. At the helm of the DLJ Give to Live Community Foundation, a nonprofit she founded, she champions charitable causes through fashion, entertainment, and sports-related events. Notably, she orchestrated Jersey City Fashion Week for nine years, a platform dedicated to raising funds and awareness for a myriad of impactful causes.


“We are one of the few purely charity fashion weeks,” Jackson proudly declares. Over the years, the foundation has generously supported various organizations aligned with their mission, ranging from Dress for Success to Habitat for Humanity, leaving an indelible mark on the communities it touches.


An Unyielding Commitment to Justice


Desha Jackson’s legal acumen is not confined to the courtroom; it extends to advocacy and leadership within professional bar-related activities. Honored as Young Lawyer of the Year in 2002 by the New Jersey State Bar Association, Jackson has been an active member of numerous committees and sections, including the Entertainment, Sports, and Arts Section.


Her commitment to diversity is evident in her role as the Chair of the New Jersey State Bar Association Diversity Committee, where she worked tirelessly to ensure diversity and inclusion were integral considerations in legal practice. As a Plaintiff’s anti-discrimination lawyer, she endeavors to dismantle discrimination, one case at a time, and create lasting change in workplace dynamics.


A Faith-Driven Journey


Recently ordained as a Pastor at her church, Desha Jackson draws strength from her deep-rooted Christian faith. Her spiritual journey has been intertwined with her legal career, viewing her practice as an extension of her ministry. “My belief in Jesus makes me a better lawyer,” she affirms, highlighting the profound impact of faith on her approach to the law and her relationships with clients.


Words of Wisdom and Future Aspirations


For aspiring entrepreneurs, Jackson imparts sage advice: “Put God first, save money, trust your instincts, not all money is good money, tomorrow is another day, give it all you got, cover your client’s back, clients need to know you care, and the money will come.”


Looking ahead, Desha Jackson envisions growth in her practice, considering financing, marketing strategies, and expanding her legal team. Her involvement in various programs, radio, and professional organizations reflects a commitment to continuous learning and community engagement.


In the tapestry of Desha Jackson’s life, each thread tells a story of resilience, passion, and unwavering dedication to making a difference in the world.

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