Clāra (Tuong-Minh) Ly-Le: A Visionary Leader in PR and Marketing

Clāra (Tuong-Minh) Ly-Le is a name that resonates with excellence in the world of public relations and marketing. As the Founder and Managing Director of EloQ Communications, a boutique PR and marketing agency based in Vietnam, Clāra has forged a remarkable path in the industry. Her journey is a testament to her unwavering commitment to her homeland and her dedication to promoting Vietnam and Southeast Asia on the global stage.


Educational Background and Professional Journey


Dr.Clāra Ly-Le’s journey began with a thirst for knowledge and a passion for communication. She holds a PhD in Communication, a testament to her scholarly achievements. Her academic background not only lends credibility to her agency but also fuels her aspirations to contribute to the academic world.


Clāra’s path led her to the Western world, where she pursued formal education and honed her skills. Her experiences in the United States and Australia provided her with transformative insights. Yet, her heart remained firmly connected to her homeland, Vietnam.


EloQ Communications is the embodiment of Clāra’s deep commitment to the field of public relations and marketing. It’s a testament to her love for Vietnam and Southeast Asia, regions often overlooked in the global marketing landscape. Beyond commercial success, her overarching mission transcends borders, aiming to showcase Vietnam’s professional expertise in the field of public relations on the global stage.


EloQ Communications: A Beacon of Excellence


EloQ Communications, derived from “Eloquent,” reflects the agency’s core mission: to promote effective, assertive communication through PR and marketing in Vietnam and Southeast Asia. It combines innovative thinking with local insights and global best practices, offering holistic solutions in the modern PR and marketing landscape. EloQ is a local agency with a global perspective.


The agency’s expertise extends to comprehensive support for multinational brands, guiding them through market entry, adaptation, and reputation building in the local landscape. They offer a wide range of services, including PR, social and digital marketing, influencer marketing, branding, crisis communication, strategic planning, and event management.


The Accidental Entrepreneur


Clāra’s journey to becoming an entrepreneur was serendipitous. Her initial career plan did not involve owning a business. Her true passion lay in the field of public relations. However, when the opportunity to establish EloQ Communications presented itself, she seized it. This decision, looking back, was a fortuitous one, allowing her to manage the company while continuing her role as a managing director and a public relations consultant.


Setting EloQ Apart


EloQ Communications stands out in the market as a boutique PR agency dedicated to supporting multinational corporations in Vietnam. The agency prides itself on being the reliable local partner for global brands, bridging the communication gap between them and Vietnamese consumers.


What sets EloQ apart is its unique approach. They leverage their deep knowledge of local business practices, culture, and audience engagement strategies in Vietnam while catering to international clients. This approach has been pivotal to their success.


EloQ actively promotes equality and inclusivity in the workplace, championing opportunities for women. This not only sets them apart but also aligns with their broader mission of fostering a more inclusive and progressive PR landscape in Vietnam.


The agency has earned the trust of international clients, including prominent names like Rakuten Viber, AstraZeneca, Intel, and the Hong Kong Tourism Board. EloQ’s recognition is growing globally, and they’re proud to be the first Vietnamese agency to join the prestigious Public Relations and Communications Association (PRCA) and be part of the Public Relations Network (PRN), a consortium of PR agencies collaborating on regional PR campaigns worldwide.


Prioritizing Employee Well-being


Clāra understands the importance of employee well-being in achieving outstanding performance. At EloQ Communications, the team’s well-being is central to the company’s success. Healthy and happy employees are more productive, creative, and motivated, leading to higher job satisfaction, lower turnover rates, and a positive work environment.


The company actively supports work-life balance, addresses the physical and emotional needs of team members, encourages open communication, offers professional development opportunities, and provides flexible work arrangements. This investment in employee well-being is not just a matter of corporate responsibility but a strategic move that ensures the company’s future success.


Constant Growth and Development as a Leader


For Clāra, continuous growth and development as a leader are paramount. She has set herself three guiding principles:


Delegation: Delegating tasks not only saves time but also fosters the professional growth of the team. It enhances productivity and allows the team to take ownership of their roles.


Me Time: Setting aside dedicated time for self-care is crucial. Clāra emphasizes that this personal time helps recharge energy and improve mental health, benefiting both the leader and the team.


Defining Success: Envisioning goals and accomplishments creates a clear path toward realizing dreams. Clāra encourages leaders to set clear objectives and work diligently to achieve them.


The Most Important Trait for a Business Leader


In Clāra’s view, adaptability is the most important trait for a business leader’s career. The ever-evolving business landscape demands the ability to adapt to change, embrace new technologies, and navigate shifting market dynamics. Adaptability allows leaders to thrive in a competitive environment, lead their teams through transitions, make strategic adjustments, and seize opportunities. It is the cornerstone of long-term success in a rapidly changing business world.


Future Aspirations of EloQ Communications


EloQ Communications places importance on expansion while maintaining a manageable size that ensures the high quality of their services. Their future endeavors include fine-tuning their specialization and industry knowledge, expanding their client portfolio, and further developing their team’s skills. They are actively exploring opportunities for collaboration and partnerships that align with their principles and objectives. EloQ’s goal is sustainable growth, providing outstanding PR services, nurturing strong client relationships, and contributing positively to the dynamic PR landscape in Vietnam.


A Closing Quote


In closing, Clāra Ly-Le shares a favorite quote that encapsulates her leadership philosophy: “A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking because its trust is not on the branch but its own wings.” Just as the bird relies on its wings to navigate, a leader must trust in their adaptability, their team, and their ability to rise to any challenge. With these guiding principles, EloQ Communications continues to soar to new heights, confident in their abilities and ever-ready to explore new horizons.


In conclusion, Clāra Ly-Le’s journey and EloQ Communications’ success story stand as a testament to the power of dedication, adaptability, and a commitment to excellence in the world of PR and marketing.

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