The Section 8 Landlord Coach™: Changing the Real Estate Game Through Coaching, Consulting, & Courses

The Section 8 Landlord Coach

Background and Educational Journey


Dr. Michael C. Threatt, known as The Section 8 Landlord Coach™, is a prominent figure in the world of affordable housing. As the Principal and CEO of Elevate Housing Solutions, LLC, Dr. Threatt’s journey is a testament to his passion for transforming the real estate industry and improving the relationshipbetween Section 8 landlords and public housing authorities (PHAs). His educational background and professional experiences have uniquely equipped him for this mission.


Dr. Threatt’s educational journey began with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). This foundational knowledge of human behavior would prove invaluable in his later endeavors. He then pursued a Master of Arts in Criminal Justice Administration from the University of South Florida (USF), expanding his understanding of housing policies’ legal and administrative aspects.


However, it was his pursuit of a Doctor in Public Administration (DPA) from West Chester University (WCU) that genuinely shaped his path. His dissertation, focusing on Section 8 landlords, was not just an academic exercise but a stepping stone towards making a real impact in the affordable housing sector.


Elevate Housing Solutions: Innovating Affordable Housing


Founded in June 2020, Elevate Housing Solutions, LLC, under Dr. Threatt’s leadership, is a management firm that offers Section 8 Program services to a diverse clientele, including real estate investors, developers, landlords, and PHAs. Dr. Threatt’s role as The Section 8 Landlord Coach™ encompasses a range of services, from coaching and consulting Section 8 landlords to providing strategic guidance to PHAs.


One of the standout aspects of Dr. Threatt’s work is his commitment to finding solutions to the pain points faced by Section 8 landlords. His personal experience as a Section 8 landlord during the COVID-19 pandemic exposed him to the challenges, including delayed payments, that many landlords face. This firsthand experience fueled his determination to make a positive change.


In 2022, Dr. Threatt transformed his extensive research, including landlord opinions on improving the Section 8 Program, into a groundbreaking book, “The Price of Bureaucracy.” This manifesto outlines his vision for housing policy reform, emphasizing the need for efficiency and responsiveness in the affordable housing sector.


Setting Apart from Competitors


What sets Elevate Housing Solutions apart from competitors is Dr. Threatt’s unparalleled expertise in the Section 8 Program. As The Section 8 Landlord Coach™, he bridges the gap between theory and practice. He understands the challenges faced by landlords because he is one himself, giving him a unique perspective that resonates with his clients.


Dr. Threatt’s coaching and educational programs empower landlords and real estate investors to maximize profits and create sustainable cash flow within the Section 8 Program. His guidance extends beyond the basics, delving into investment opportunities such as short sales, foreclosures, REO properties, value-added ventures, tax liens, and turnkey investments.


Moreover, Dr. Threatt’s role as COO at Dothan Housing (DH), with 18 years of experience in the PHA sector, positions him as a trusted consultant for PHAs nationwide. He specializes in helping PHAs attract, recruit, and retain landlords for their Section 8 Programs. His work extends to assisting PHAs in rebranding initiatives, promoting positive images, and dispelling stereotypes associated with the Section 8 Program.


Prioritizing Well-being and Leadership


Dr. Threatt understands the importance of well-being in employee performance, both personally and professionally. He emphasizes the need for work-life balance, spending quality time with family, engaging in recreational activities, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and regular exercise. He lives by the adage that “health is wealth,” recognizing that a healthy leader is a more effective leader.


As a leader, Dr. Threatt continues to grow and develop through various avenues. He recently completed the two-year Executive Director Education Program (EDEP), enhancing his leadership skills. Being a scholar-practitioner, he remains at the forefront of industry best practices, incorporating evidence-based practices from academia, affordable housing, real estate, organizational development, and transformational leadership into his work.


The Most Important Trait in a Business Leader’s Career


Dr. Threatt firmly believes that the most important trait in a business leader’s career is having a “degree in people.” His journey has taught him that some skills cannot be acquired through formal education alone. Interactions with a diverse range of professionals, from industry experts to political leaders, have bestowed upon him a unique skill set. In the realm of real estate, relationships are paramount, and the Section 8 Program, in particular, revolves around people and their interactions.


Future Aspirations and Plans


Looking to the future, Dr. Threatt has an exciting roadmap ahead. He plans to launch the ACX Audible version of “The Price of Bureaucracy,” making his insights accessible to a broader audience. His Roof Talks Podcast, LLC, will cater to landlords and real estate investors participating in the Section 8 Program, providing valuable insights and discussions.


Under his My Landlord Liaison, LLC platform, Dr. Threatt intends to release online training courses, including “5 Secrets to Making Six Figures as a Section 8 Landlord” and “5 Best Practices to Attract, Recruit, & Retain Landlords for Your Section 8 Program.” These courses aim to empower individuals and organizations with the knowledge and tools to excel in the affordable housing sector.


Dr. Threatt remains committed to advocacy and education. He plans to continue his speaking engagements through Michael C. Threatt Enterprises, LLC, delivering keynote addresses, moderating panels, and participating in discussions related to the Section 8 Program and affordable housing. His overarching goal is to change the narrative, advocate for Section 8 landlords, and contribute to positive policy changes in the affordable housing sector.


In conclusion, Dr. Michael C. Threatt’s journey from academia to entrepreneurship has been marked by innovation, empathy, and a deep commitment to improving the relationship between landlords and PHAs so that all parties win in the real estate transaction of the Section 8 Program. His dedication to empowering individuals and organizations through education and advocacy is shaping the future of affordable housing, one transformative idea at a time.


Closing Quote


In the words of Bishop T.D. Jakes, “If you can’t find your purpose, find your passion, and when you find your passion, this will lead you to find your purpose.”


Elevate Housing Solutions, under the visionary leadership of Dr. Threatt, exemplifies the fusion of passion and purpose, creating a brighter future for affordable housing.

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